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Thursday, May 12, 2011

10th May - Lesson Write up - Contracts

10th May - Contracts

In today's lesson we changed the performance deadline we decided to extend the deadline as our performances are not ready to show yet. Our new performance date is Tuesday 14th June during period 5. We are performing to a year 8 drama group as year 8's are our target audience.

We then discussed contracts for a touring theatre company, what is involved in a contract to make the employer and employee understand exactly what is involved and to please them. We then typed out some questions that we thought might be included in a contract and to develop our understanding of contracts we were set to create our own for homework.
These were the questions:

The size of the performance space - How big is the performance space?
Target Audience (suitability), - What is the target audience for the piece? / How suitable is the piece?
Specify Number of viewers, - How many seats does the performance space have? / How many viewers does it hold?
How long have we got to perform? - How long do we have to perform? / Is there a certain time limit?
How much time needed for set up and workshop? Do you have a specific time for set up and or workshop?
Accessibility, - How easy is the access to the performance space? / Do you have any loading bays for set and or props?
Equipment needed, - Do you have ....... (anything you don't wish to take or don't have yourself) eg CD player?
Are the students used to seeing theatre work? - How familiar are the students with the theatre? / Do they know different theatre conventions? / Are they completely knew to the theatre?
Have they ever viewed our companies work before? - Have you ever used our theatre company before? / Have the students ever seen our work before? / If Yes which pieces?
Itinerary - Which goes first; workshop or performance?
We also read a Contract given to the school by Splendid Productions for a previous piece, which school had to fill out in order for the play to go ahead as they had to tour up from London. This involved the legalities and health and safety information. There was also an "I agree" or an "I have read the terms and accept the requirements" which the teacher or member of staff in charge have to sign.

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