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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

15th March - Lesson Write up

Tuesday 15th March

Lesson Write Up

Today in Miss Woffinden’s Lesson we reflected on our homework from the week before. She mentioned how detailed Frankie Cooney’s was and about Emily’s evaluation table and so I had a look on the blog at each of these things. I agree that Frankie’s is very detailed and an inspiration but Emily hasn’t put her table up yet and so I don’t know what she has evaluated me like and will blog next when I find out.
She said that the pictures I had put on were really strong and it would be interesting to see how we decide to use these in our workshop. The pictures were the same as I have used in blog entry: December 14th Choosing the Issues and why? (Click on the hyperlink to follow it)
Miss Woffinden then asked us to decide on the purpose of our props and reflect on our research. The purpose of our dress is to look like a size four and to look old but to show her traumatizing past. The skeleton is to support the dress and as the true story is called 'The Skeleton in my Closet' we thought it would be really effective to take the metaphorically written work and make it literal. We thought that displaying her as bones of a skeleton would be powerful and help to give the story meaning and the respect it deserves.
Evaluating personal skills:
My role in the play is a bit of everything as we are all doing a little bit of everything. We are all involved in the script work, song writing, advertising, acting and directing part of the Task. I feel I could do a lot of good directing work and I'm keen to get involved that way. As for the script work, I reckon it is a working process and will be done in good time with outstanding quality.
If I were to evaluate myself using the PLTS' I would give myself green for: Being Organised, Managing Emotions, Managing Risks, Imagine, Make Links, Persuade Others, Identify IssuesSet Myself Challenges, Plan - Do - Review, Find Solutions, Invite Feedback, Share Learning, Take Responsibility, Build Team Strengths, Manage the Team, Reach Conclusions, Evaluate the Evidence and Stay Objective
If I were to evaluate myself using the PLTS' I would give myself amber for: Go For It, Finish It. This is because I don't want to seem too over enthusiastic and sometimes when I have ideas, I don't always want/ know how to carry them out. Question Assumptions, this is because I don't really know how to question assumptions or how to word it without sounding too rude. I don't question assumptions very often and so this is amber. Take Creative Risks, I generally have many good ideas I just underestimate myself too much and get quite worried in case I go for something and it doesn't work out as I had planned. I would then beat myself up all day about something not going to plan (metaphorically of course). Get Involved, because no matter how confident I am I get extremely paranoid that people are going to judge me as harshly as I judge myself. I get involved with everything I can do but I just worry too much about things not going right. I suppose this is all part of drama and evaluating yourselves and I think I should stop being so paranoid about nothing. Evaluate the Team, I know whoever I am with in the diploma team will be willing to accept feedback and evaluation from me and will not judge or take offence at any constructive criticism but I can't help but worry what people will think if I try to evaluate them. I don't want to sound unkind or nasty but I wouldn't know how to broach the situation. Explore a question; if I am personally honest I actually do not know what this question means and will ask Miss Woffinden as I am unsure of this. I am sure it is something we will have done many times as a diploma team but I am unsure of what it is because of the name.
Overall I think I am very positive with most of the PLTS' and I think I just judge myself too harshly and worry what other people think. I need to try to 'stop worrying and just have a go.'

Once we had discussed this for some time we re-wrote our timeline using Matchware Mindview. Here is our timeline:

Timeline made using Matchware - Mindview

Then we went into the drama room to rehearse our piece again and again until we were ready to show.
Here are pictures of us rehearsing:

Our Scripts

Then we performed. Miss Woffinden said she liked how we had used a true story but said we have to make sure it’s not copyrighted and make sure we use our own work in there too.
She also said we have to question whether the language is too formal for our target audience, but then again we don’t want to patronise them. It's something we have to think about when we are writing more of the script. I think our performance is controversial they way Me and Imogen use more formal language in relation to our characters and Emily and Courtney use more childish/ teeangerish language, in relation to their characters. We have to make sure we know why we have chosen our lines and in our case we want it to be religious to the true life story. As for the transitions between the scenes I think our dress may stay on the stage for the whole production as it is the main thing and all our script relates to that. We decided to use a questionnaire for our target audience to find out more about their knowledge of our piece. Here is our questionnaire and script so far:

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